Saturday, November 21, 2015

Geese are NOT a problem, human IS

Today I received an electronic newsletter from the citizen forum where I live. Among other things, there is a survey on "are geese a problem?". Apparently someone moan on the last resident meetings about (Canada) geese population and  how their droppings are making a mess on the footpath. 

I immediately did the survey and put forward my opinion that is: "No, geese are not problems, human and their greed ARE the problem on Earth. Leave the geese alone, share this planet with others and stop moaning!"

Here is another example of our destructive way of living. We already evicted millions of wild animals into the brink of extinction. A few geese in the city is a blessing! 

So I had to reply to all mailing list recipient, and below is my reply...

Dear all,

I hope we will not waste the council's time and resources on geese. They are what's left of nature in city centre, and killing them is not only a big sin but also a waste of time, money, energy. We human and our greed ARE the biggest problem on Earth. It has been us modern human who are polluting and destroying the planet and our own environment, not geese, not fox, not badger, not rat, not slugs and God knows what else we're going to blame.

If geese droppings are on our footpath, walk more careful. Human have been dropping chewing gums much more than geese having a poo on our way.

If there is anything we need to review and seriously look at is our consumeristic behaviour. How much food we waste every day? Can we buy less and share more with those in needs? Can we be more positive and compassionate - share what we have with those in needs, live alongside and appreciate nature, and be less selfish? 

Less selfish, share more, appreciate nature, DO NOT KILL.... That should be our Christmas and New Year resolution. We see enough blood and misery, we don't need to slaughter geese just to be more comfortable in our own way of destroying this planet.

Peace be with you all...

Adeline Cooke
Castlefield resident

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